The last thing you want anyone thinking is that you are a desperate old nag. It is not good for your reputation and bad for your self esteem.
I promise you that if you chase your ex, you will feel very bad about yourself but if you hold your head high and do the walk, you'll eventually feel better.
But first you have to allow your emotions to pay the price instead of your self esteem.
What am I talking about here?
Well, the feelings that keep compelling you to re-attach yourself to someone whose attraction for you have diminished. The truth is that the attraction between the both of you went south. Well, for your ex, that is.
It is attraction that keeps people together - the magnet that draws and binds. Then beyond this are feelings of attachment that grows from experiencing things together.
So if you want to really "attract" the person who's wanting out, you cannot continue to operate from self hate. This person will smell desperation even in your energy if you are acting desperate.
Everything about you must shift from "low" to "high" energy. The sort of energy that I am talking about here has everything to do with the amount of focus you take off of this person and put on yourself.
The secret is taking the focus off of this person and putting it on you. Becoming a happier, successful, fun person without this person in your life.
You'll be amazed at what shifting from low energy like begging, pleading, nagging and complaining can do for your self esteem and your attraction potential.
Nicole Gayle is the Author of the e-book, What to Do When Your Partner Wants Out, - a guide to help you make your breakup work for you. Learn the secrets to becoming more attractive, happier, and secure. Go to for an instant download now.
Let Him See That You've Moved On
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Nicole Gayle
Did Your Man Have the Breakup Talk?
Did your man have the talk about wanting to see other people or needing a break?
I've got news for you. He wants to break up because there is no longer any internal attraction.
The magnet that draws men and women together is the attraction of both the outer and the inner world. Many women use the outer world to try to hook a man. They do not understand that a man can hang around, sleep with them, love their company and STILL not think about even wanting a relationship.
Yikes! A huge wakeup call if you've been his regular sex partner. A huge blow if you're the kind of feminist who believes that sleeping with a man has nothing to do with being in love.
A man wants to feel attraction for a woman inside of him. He might get happy to look at externals but what really keeps him coming back for more is the strong attraction he feels for the woman he's with. This is called emotional attraction. That something about a woman that pushes him towards her.
So your man might have initially pushed himself towards you but the reason why he's moving away is because that initial attraction decreased. A man won't leave if his attraction feeling level is high.
But don't go feeling like an idiot by making yourself responsible for how a man feels. You must be yourself no matter what and if that means that he's no longer attracted to the person you have become, well so what?
Let him walk!
Nicole Gayle is the Author of the e-book, What to Do When Your Partner Wants Out, - a guide to help you make your breakup work for you. Learn the secrets to becoming more attractive, happier, and secure. Go to for an instant download now.
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Nicole Gayle
I Dare You To Believe That You Deserve Love
It takes a certain kind of faith, a certain type of will, a certain type of individual to really believe in love in the face of an uncertain situation like a breakup.
If you believe in the little things that make up a relationship and the big moments that comes with it, then you are right to believe that and surely the very things that you believe in will come.
But it may not come in the face who's walking out on you. It may not come in the voice that's telling you - you are unwanted. It may not come in the arms that reject you and it may not come in the dream of trying to hold a broken relationship together. But it will come.
It will come if you don't give up on you and it will come if you continue to believe in love, loyalty, fidelity, faith, purpose, passion. It will come if you believe that you deserve better, that you were born to experience a higher love, a constant love, a never ending love and a love that believes in the face of uncertainty.
This will come to you if you let go, if you begin to command self respect, if you stop begging, if you stop trying to get someone to love you, if you stop trying to reason with someone who no longer wants you.
It will surely come if you draw a line in the sand and say no more to mistreatment. It will surely come if you cut off the supply of belittlement. It will surely come if you grip the arms of failure and say that you will win inspite of it all.
It will come when you dare to believe in you.
Nicole Gayle is the Author of the e-book, What to Do When Your Partner Wants Out, - a guide to help you make your breakup work for you. Learn the secrets to becoming more attractive, happier, and secure. Go to for an instant download now
Posted by
Nicole Gayle