When a relationship breaks up, there's a way to tell if it's really over. The person who leaves is the one who determines the fate of the relationship. What you need to understand as the person who was dumped is that you have more power than you think. Rejection is never easy but it is what you do with it that will make all of the difference in the world.
Walker #1
If your partner walked out on you because he/she's had enough of putting up with some very specific behaviors that have been talked about over and over again, this person truly loves you but have come to the end of their rope and is only trying to get you to wake up to see that something needs to change. This kind of walker does not want to throw the whole relationship away but is creating a crisis in order for things to change. If you are willing to get the message, then this person is still willing to do whatever it takes to make the relationship work.
Walker #2
But if your partner walks away, unwilling to make things work, does not want to go to counselling, take classes, read books on strengthening your relationship, then this person is DONE and has a plaque with "It's over!" on the wall in their mind.
This is the kind of walker who already has plans about starting a new life with someone else or already has. This person has had their exit strategy for a long time, felt trapped, no longer loves you, is prepared to shut down everything that you do to try to save the relationship, and gave up on you a long time ago. There's no "US" in this person's mind because he/she has already checked out.
As the songs goes, "You've got to know when to hold em and when to fold em." If you're dealing with walker #2, the most extreme action you can take is to cut them off and move on with your life - NOW.
This is not easy but will help you create the level of respect that may cause your partner to seriously regret ever leaving you.
Nicole Gayle is the Author of the e-book, "What to Do When Your Partner Wants Out," - for people who want to learn the secrets to becoming more attractive, happier, and secure. If this describes you, get an instant download at http://www.whenyourpartnerwantsout.com/
Facing a breakup? How To Know When It's Really Over
Posted by
Nicole Gayle
Still Want Your EX Back?
Here's the motto of disrespect: "Walk all over me and I'll still love you for it!"
Question: "How do you get up off of the floor after you've been laying there for a long time?"
Answer: "You fall in love with YOU!"
The roots of disrespect comes from a lack of self love. In order for someone to disrespect you, you must first give them the permission. Permission comes when you do not love yourself enough to demand more. When you love, beautiful sexy you, you will find that you have the courage to draw the line. If your EX dares to cross that line then you will take the necessary actions to protect your turf.
So today I want to help you if you can't seem to get to the place of true and abiding self love. It starts by accepting that you are worthy of love. You must replace the script of self hate that was planted in you. You are chasing your EX or trying to get a man/woman to love you because you are operating from your "self hate" scripts.
Confidence is sexy and attractive and I know you want to get there. But you must no longer give your power away to someone who will continue to steal it from you even when you are not handing it over.
You have the strength to begin to love your self and leave your EX alone. Today I want you to start to tell yourself, even if you don't feel or believe it, that you are worthy of true love. Your words will shape your thoughts and your thoughts will shape your feelings.
For once in your life, stand up for you!
Nicole Gayle is the Author of the e-book, "What to Do When Your Partner Wants Out," - this e-book is not for everyone, it is for people who want to learn the secrets to becoming more attractive, happier, and secure. If this describes you, go to http://www.whenyourpartnerwantsout.com for an instant download.
Posted by
Nicole Gayle