It takes a certain kind of faith, a certain type of will, a certain type of individual to really believe in love in the face of an uncertain situation like a breakup.
If you believe in the little things that make up a relationship and the big moments that comes with it, then you are right to believe that and surely the very things that you believe in will come.
But it may not come in the face who's walking out on you. It may not come in the voice that's telling you - you are unwanted. It may not come in the arms that reject you and it may not come in the dream of trying to hold a broken relationship together. But it will come.
It will come if you don't give up on you and it will come if you continue to believe in love, loyalty, fidelity, faith, purpose, passion. It will come if you believe that you deserve better, that you were born to experience a higher love, a constant love, a never ending love and a love that believes in the face of uncertainty.
This will come to you if you let go, if you begin to command self respect, if you stop begging, if you stop trying to get someone to love you, if you stop trying to reason with someone who no longer wants you.
It will surely come if you draw a line in the sand and say no more to mistreatment. It will surely come if you cut off the supply of belittlement. It will surely come if you grip the arms of failure and say that you will win inspite of it all.
It will come when you dare to believe in you.
Nicole Gayle is the Author of the e-book, What to Do When Your Partner Wants Out, - a guide to help you make your breakup work for you. Learn the secrets to becoming more attractive, happier, and secure. Go to for an instant download now
I Dare You To Believe That You Deserve Love
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Nicole Gayle
The Mistakes You Could Be Making While Dealing With Your Breakup
I've had the chance to help literally hundreds of people know how to handle a breakup based on my personal experience. My breakup was pretty UGLY - not to say that there are any pretty breakups.
You have the mutual breakups, breakups caused by betrayal like cheating or if you're faced with what I was faced with - a partner wanting out of the relationship.
Rejection is not something that is easy for humans to take. You've got to be pretty together to know how to handle a BAD and very messy breakup. You know the kind that goes in the mud where you and your partner are at such opposite ends that you can't imagine ever being with this person.
My breakup was sort of like that and more. Worst of all, it involved my two kids, ages 10 months and 5 at the time. Among other things, I was left on maternity benefits to fend for myself and needless to say that I was literally shaken with fear about my future.
So I did the worst form of disgraceful behavior possible, I appeased my husband and tolerated mountains upon mountains of disrespect because deep on the inside I had hoped that he would see the light and want to have our relationship and family back intact.
Are you making some very fatal mistakes right now dealing with your partner who wants out or with an EX? If you don't know what to you, you too may be viewed like the plague which will earn you even more disrespect and cause your partner to run for cover.
I've put together an e-book to help you know exactly what to do and how to react to a drifting partner or an EX. I want you to be armed with the right information to help you become more attractive, happier and secure. If these strategies worked for me, they can work for you.
Nicole Gayle is the Author of the e-book, What to Do When Your Partner Wants Out, - a guide to help you make your breakup work for you. Learn the secrets to becoming more attractive, happier, and secure.
Go to for an instant download now.
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Nicole Gayle
Men Don't Take Breaks, They Breakup
Did your man had the chat with you about needing to take a break while still telling you how much he loves you?
Are you wanting to believe that he really does and just needs time to figure things out?
Let me be very honest with you and decode what he means when he either texted you, sent you an email, called you on the phone or told you in person that he'll be busy, wants a break etc.
He means he wants to move on.
When a man's really into a woman, he won't take a break. He'll always want to be around her. If your man is taking a break from you, do not go into denial and hold out for him to change his mind. And under NO circumstance should you wait for him.
Women shouldn't wait for men. Men pursue women and try to win their attention. Men are made to chase, to fight, to go after you. So sitting and believing that your boyfriend really wants a break will cause you to hang on to a fantasy of him really wanting you. It's not so.
Please do not even utter the words by telling him that you'll wait for him or you'll fight for your relationship. These words will cause a man to immediately press the delete button in his mind about you forever.
The best way to deal with your boyfriend/husband wanting to take a break is to also take a break from him.
Then what you should do is to get a new hair cut, buy yourself some diva clothes, change your makeup and strut your stuff away from him so that he knows for sure that you are BIG enough to do life without him.
Nicole Gayle is the Author of the e-book, What to Do When Your Partner Wants Out, - a guide to help you make your breakup work for you. Learn the secrets to becoming more attractive, happier, and secure.
Go to for an instant download now.
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Nicole Gayle